
The Canyon Lake Area, Comal County Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. (CLVFD) was formed in 1964 as a non – profit corporation of the State of Texas for the purpose of providing Fire and Emergency Medical Services for the Canyon Lake area of Comal County. A group of dedicated volunteers with a desire to improve the EMS capabilities of the department separated from CLVFD. The Canyon Lake Area, Comal County Volunteer Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (CLVEMS) was formed in 1989 as a non – profit corporation of the State of Texas for the purpose of providing Emergency Medical Services for the Canyon Lake area of Comal County.
The Comal County Rural Fire Prevention District No. 4 (RFPD No. 4) was formed through a local referendum election as a political subdivision of the State of Texas under the Health and Safety Code Chapter 794 in 1992 for the provision of Fire Department services in the CLVFD service area. The creation of the RFPD No. 4 allowed for the collection of ad velorum property taxes at a rate not to exceed $0.03 per $100 property evaluation in order to support fire prevention and suppression efforts within the service area. RFPD No. 4 contracted for fire prevention and suppression services with CLVFD.
The Comal County Emergency Services District No. 2 (CCESD No. 2) was formed through a local referendum election as a political subdivision of the State of Texas under the Health and Safety Code Chapter 776 in 1992 for the provision of Emergency Medical Services in the CLVEMS service area. The creation of CCESD No. 2 allowed for the collection of ad velorum property taxes at a rate not to exceed $0.02 per $100 property evaluation in order to support Emergency Medical Services efforts within the service area. CCESD No. 2 contracted for Emergency Medical Services with CLVEMS.
CLVFD and CLVEMS merged into one agency in 1998 forming Canyon Lake Fire / EMS, Inc (CLF/EMS) as a non – profit corporation of the State of Texas for the purpose of providing Fire and Emergency Medical Services for the Canyon Lake area of Comal County. The merger of the two organizations provided a substantial administrative and operational benefit to the community as all of the resources of the two organizations was now available to meet the needs of the community. CCRFPD No. 4 and CCESD No. 2 contracted for Fire Prevention and Suppression as well as Emergency Medical Services with CLF/EMS.
CCRFPD No. 4 was legislatively converted to Comal County Emergency Services District No. 3 (CCESD No. 3) in 2003. CCESD No. 3 is a political subdivision of the State of Texas under the Health and Safety Code Chapter 775. CCESD No. 2 No. 2 and CCESD No. 3 contracted for Fire Prevention and Suppression as well as Emergency Medical Services with CLF/EMS.
CCESD No. 3 assumed operations of CLF/EMS in 2008 and provides Fire Prevention and Suppression as well as Emergency Medical Services directly to the community through an Interlocal Agreement with Comal CCESD No. 2.
Comal County ESD No. 2 (EMS) and No. 3 (FIRE) have renewed their third five (5) year Interlocal agreement that began January of 2020. This partnership allows for delivery of the most efficient and effective emergency services to the Canyon Lake community and its visitors.